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"Which Enchilada Recipe Will Win You Over: Bean, Veg, or Chicken?"

West End Centre

What a fantastic end to our week.  We enjoyed amazing Enchiladas prepared by our Delicious Dishes Cooking group before rounding off with some Moving and Mindfulness from our walk, talk, move and grove group.

Before we share some of our friends’ comments can we remind everyone that we will be closed on Monday for the Bank Holiday, and we have our West End Community Forum Event celebrating our National lottery Funding award on Thursday 9.5.24 @10.30am – 1.30pm.  All welcome.  We hope to see you there.

So, what did people think of the cooking group this morning?

·        Maureen “Enjoy meeting and chatting to different People, learning new things about cooking, people and even learned about a new app today. Helped me work on budgeting and preparing to Batch cook.”


·        Hugh “Gives me a reason to come out the house and really enjoy meeting new people and trying different food. I’m so happy to be coming to the West End Centre”.


·        Sandra “Nice to try something different and open to everyone. Enjoyed it more than I expected and is nice to make then take some home or eat within group.


·        Shabina “Love learning new things, meeting new people and gets me out the house, sharing cooking skills and been able to support others is really important to me”.


·        Jo “It’s friendly, positive group and helps people learn new skills. For those that haven’t cooked before it also helps prepare for the future”


Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the Bank Holiday.  See you next week we are open as usual on Tuesday.

If you would like information about our groups and activities just pop in, give us a ring or if you would like to be added to our contacts list and receive regular updates contact us with your email address.

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