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Welcome to 2021 .. A word from Christine

West End Centre

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

Welcome to 2021 everyone. What a year 2020 was, I think we were all glad to see the end of it. Unfortunately, we start 2021 with a National Lockdown. We are very aware that it’s a anxious and stressful time for many especially people whose jobs, education, mental health and life chances have been badly affected.

So, you may ask, what do we have to look forward to? How can we put a positive spin on this? We have been here before with the full lockdown in March. This time we don’t have the very real fear of the unknown. We know there is light at the end of the tunnel and a way out of this as the Vaccine is rolled out. We know we can get through it and we know what helps. Been able to talk to others and not been isolated is so important to us all. It’s made me

re-evaluate what is really important in life and what I value most and it certainly isn’t possessions, it’s the people in my life. It doesn’t mean it’s always easy we all have good days and bad. But together we can do it.

We want you to know that you are important to us. We are still here for you. The Centre is not allowed to open but we have always said the Centre is only a building. It’s the people in it, the Westenders that matter.

You can see from the copy of our New Year Blog what we have things going on and you are more than welcome to join any of the activities. If you are feeling alone, just need a chat or don’t know where to turn with a problem give us a ring. We will try to help or find someone who can.

If you would like to get more involved and have an idea that you think could help others, please get in touch. It could be anything as long as it is allowed within the Covid restrictions. Oh dear what have I said ;)

So Happy New Year everyone, I wish you health and happiness and look forward to been able to celebrate together as soon as possible.

Christine xx


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