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Reducing our risk of Type 2 Diabetes

West End Centre

Like a lot of people across the country, during lockdown many of us at the West End Centre put on weight and our activity levels fell-leaving us at bigger risk of type 2 diabetes. One of the things our beneficiaries asked for during a recent consultation was for a group to help them get back into good habits and help give them the information they needed to do what they could to prevent diabetes.

We are now into the third week of our 8 week 'Preventing Type 2 Diabetes' group and the small changes we have started making are taking effect already. M and D have made a particularly good start-each losing several pounds in weight already! keep up the good work guys!

We have learned about what diabetes is and how it affects the body, about the part carrying excess weight, poor diet and low activity levels plays, and we have all committed to making some lifestyle changes to improve our health. This week we will be looking at our food diaries and seeing how some small changes to our cooking and shopping habits can help us lose weight and keep it off.

If you would like to go on the waiting list for our next 8 week course which will start in September please contact Fran on 07743 687053 or email:

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