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Redecorate our tree of hope....with love ❤❤❤

West End Centre

Our poor tree of hope has been looking really bare since the Christmas decorations were taken down. The tree has been a focal point in the neighbourhood over the last year cheering and inspiring people all through the Summer, Autumn and Winter-first with messages of hope, then poppies for remembrance and Christmas Decorations.

It has demonstrated solidarity in our community, reaching out to friends and strangers and letting them know they are not alone. People have made special journeys to see it and add their own contributions. Others have stopped for a chat over the garden wall. Many thanks to Kim for the use of her lovely pear tree, and for hosting this project.

Well now is the time to redecorate our poor bare tree, and as valentine's day is just around the corner we thought this would be an ideal theme and so important in the current climate. So whether it is love hearts, messages of love for partners, friends, family, the community, lost loved ones, people who have inspired you or even words to inspire others. This time we would like you to use recycled everyday items, in any colour for your decorations. You could cut hearts out of any cardboard packing such as cereal boxes or put messages in clean plastic bottles to hang from the tree- be as creative as you like!

Please send your contributions to ;

The West End Centre

St Oswald's Church

Christopher St



If you would like mote information please contact Fran or Kathryn on 07592003595 or 07743687053, use the contact us tab on the Website or message us through Facebook.

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