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Join us in decorating the West End Poppy Tree

West End Centre

In the spring lots of you contributed to our Tree of Hope Project. This has been a great success cheering and inspiring people all through the summer. It has demonstrated solidarity in our community reaching out to friends and strangers and letting them know they are not alone. People have made special journeys to see it and others have stopped for a chat over the garden wall. Many thanks to Kim for the use of her lovely pear tree, and for hosting this project.

Well now is the time for our next project. As many of you know every November we put up a Poppy display for St Oswald’s Church in remembrance of people lost in conflict and war. As with many things, Covid has disrupted this in 2020. But !! We will not be defied, Covid will not stop us!

We would like our display to be enjoyed by as many people in our community as possible so we are asking you to join us in decorating the West End Poppy Tree. Once again Kim has very kindly agreed to us decorating the pear tree. We would like you to make poppies to hang on the tree. You can find a template at the bottom of this page which will enable you to make a simple poppy or two. If you have your own materials and designs we look forward to receiving them. You can use any materials, but we recommend you don’t use paper as we are now getting more bad weather. A good suggestion is using the foil from food trays etc which can be easily cut out and coloured in with a felt tip pen or marker. Don’t forget poppies can be different colours. Red is for remembrance. White is for peace and purple to remember the animals that have served in wars.

If you need some materials please get in touch with us.

Doing this helps us to reach out to everyone and show them they are part of a community that cares. That we are all going through this crisis and together we will get through it- Thank You

If you need materials contact Fran on 07743687053 or Kathryn on 07592003595 or for us to collect completed poppies locally. Alternatively you can post them to:

St Oswald's West End Centre, St Oswalds Church, Christopher St, Bradford, BD5 9DH

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