Happy 1st birthday to our Monday Market! Can hardly believe that it’s been a year since we launched our first market. Since it started the Market has really grown and we have seen a lot of new faces coming into the centre, many have turned into regulars going on to join in other groups and activities at the centre.
What do we offer on our market? 15 non-perishable items for £5 plus free fruit a veg, and free refreshments. We also have a good selection of pre-loved items cheap as chip!! No referral needed for the market you just turn up with your fiver and a bag!
After shopping many people stay for refreshments and take time to have a good natter with their friends old and new.
We spoke to some of shoppers, and this is what they told us
Dian – Monday enables me to get out, meet others and have a chat over a brew.
Mona – It’s homely, saves us money, gives us a good space to sit and talk to friends. Staff are lovely and it is a sociable place. A good place to spend time and make new friends. The West End Centre has loads of different activities. No reason for people to be lonely, just take that first step through the door.
Mary – No judgements.
Nikki – Market helps lots of people and we also get free fruit and veg which some people cannot afford to buy at the supermarket, there is a really good choice of goods and the £5 for 15 items is really good value. There is an open-door policy and no stigma attached. It’s a good place to get a cuppa, socialise and put the world to rights.
A big thank you to everyone who uses the Market without you it wouldn’t be a success. Thanks also to Maria and Amanda from Food Savers for coming along with cake and goodies and making the day extra special!!