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Competition- who can grow the biggest onion?!

West End Centre

As part of National Gardening Week we thought we would give people a hand to get growing with a little competition.

Razina and Jyoti made up the competition packs with an onion set, small pot, compost and instructions. The packs were handed out at the allotment and delivered out with our hot lunches too. There's been a race to get planted up first, with Margaret even naming hers 'Ollie the Onion!'

The rules of the competition are:

The onion must still be in the pot when we judge the size at the end of June. You will need to be patient!

What to do:

1. Empty the bag of compost onto some newspaper

2. Fill the pot half way with the compost

3. Place the onion in the middle pointy end up

4. Put the rest of the compost in the pot

5. Tap it on the table three times, Dan says “this is where the magic happens”!

6. Sit the pot on a saucer to catch the water

7. Water it

8. Keep the soil damp but not too wet

If you have your own way to grow the onion do it, let us know what you did. Get googling or reading garden books for the best ways to grow a great big onion!

The winner will receive an Hamper of seasonal Fruit and Vegetables from the allotment

If you would like to join in our competition please get in touch through the website, messenger or phone Fran on 07743687053

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