I’m Paul, I’m 63 and I used to be a Fork lift truck driver. I was made redundant last year. My life wasn’t right good, I wasn’t settled here, I was struggling.
I used to walk to town to use the computers to look for work, one day I saw someone I know, Mohammed, and he told me about the West End Centre.
I was unsure about coming- I didn’t know what to expect but within an hour I felt at home, I was made welcome by everyone.
I came for help looking for work and with computers, but I have got involved with loads of different things. I’ve been involved with the allotment, cooking group, Rat Pack, I’ve even helped clean the grounds, decorate the centre and helped others, and it’s good to help.
The people you meet make you feel part of a community; they are all loving people, people care about other people. You can leave your things around, I know it’s not going to get pinched- it feels easy. People understand your needs, everyone talks to everyone, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from.
I’ve got much more of a positive attitude now, and new skills for work; communicating, listening to and understanding people of all backgrounds and abilities. This Centre and the people have given me that.