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My  Story- Joan

Background-  (What I did before coming to the Centre )

Nothing, I have lived with my son for two years because when I was in the hospital I tried to commit suicide.  He does everything including supervising my pills. Before coming here I stayed in my bedroom, maybe did a bit of knitting, But I didn’t like to talk to people. I got so down.

How I found out about the Centre.

The Community Psychiatric Nurse got in touch and introduced me to the Centre. I came to the Art Group first. At first I wasn’t sure id fit in but I came for a couple of weeks and started to fit in and talk to people.

What I wanted to do or gain from coming to the Centre?

I had no idea; I don’t know what I expected. I wasn’t sure.

What I have achieved or got out of coming to the Centre?

It has really changed me, I get up earlier in the morning- it gives me something to look forward to I find it easier to talk to people. The Centre doesn’t enforce things on you; you can do your own thing with a bit of support. It’s not like other places where you have to do things and be in forced groups.

I’ve joined the cooking group and knitting group and got more involved in things.

How does it make me feel?

When I see the Doctor I can say I’m doing well, I’m enjoying it; He notices a twinkle in my eye, my MH  Nurse has noticed how much better I am too. If didn’t like it I wouldn’t come.

What has changed in my life as a result?

  • I get up- I’m frightened of sleeping in case I miss coming.

  • I talk to people more

  • I made good friends with Razina

  • It gives me a break from my son and family, and them a break from me. They have noticed the difference in me.

  • Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down, I get silly thoughts in my head but coming here helps.

  • I can help others, I make others welcome and teach knitting. I knit things for people and am making tea cosies for the centre.

  • When I am at the Centre it takes my mind off things. Sometimes I don’t want to know about other people’s problems, but we all see things in different ways and I have become more tolerant of listening to others but sometimes it’s hard.

Professional Photography by Phill Jackson

Rubbish photography by the staff!

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